DirtyBetty - CRAZY wife POOP on my dick (Scat 2024) [FullHD 1080p] (465 MB)

DirtyBetty - CRAZY wife POOP on my dick (Scat 2024) [FullHD 1080p] (465 MB)


NEW amazing ULTRA BADASS video, with MEGA strange dirty hand job, masturbation battle, fresh stinky women shit. My wife is crazy, shes steal my ninja mask and start to stroke my dick, after that shes start loud farting bombing and shittting like mamonth. After that BETTY start smear shes shit on my cock. I CUM on my camery whats going on in this insane asylum? ahaha... guys, its really ridiculus... mybe shes shit on my face next time who knows
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Mistress Emily - Delicious Shit Breakfast (Scat 2024) [HD 720p] (633 MB)

Mistress Emily - Delicious Shit Breakfast (Scat 2024) [HD 720p] (633 MB)


Are you hungry slave? I know you are. Just follow me! That’s right you are a pig and now I will make your breakfast. Stay down and watch me how I make your nutritious breakfast. You can smell how tasty is it. Open your fucking mouth and swallow all shit that will fall into your throat! This would be our breakfast and your dinner for every day eating! You should be getting used to it!
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MissMortelle - Scat Virgin Training with 2 Dommes (POV) (Scat 2024) [FullHD 1080p] (900 MB)

MissMortelle - Scat Virgin Training with 2 Dommes (POV) (Scat 2024) [FullHD 1080p] (900 MB)


For your defloration as a toilet, 2 mistresses will shit on you and humiliate you!It’s your first scat training and you have booked two dominatrixes for it, Miss Madison & me. You’ve really got a lot of toilet duties ahead of you… While we finish our coffee, we tell you what’s coming up. Today we will shit two big loads into your virgin mouth! We’ re still not sure if you’ re up to this literally gigantic task. To encourage you a little, we turn our asses into your face. You won’t be able to resist! Miss Madison has to shit first. She sits over your mouth with her naked asshole and I command you to open wide! Be ready to be humiliated a lot! Under the instruction of 2 mistresses, you will learn to become our perfect shit eater! Next I will piss into your mouth. This will surely help you to flush down our shit. Afterwards, you have the great honor to worship my butt and asshole. While you kneel under me you will lick my butthole extensively and prepare me for my shitting. Miss Madison and I will also give you a jerk-off instruction, so that you are ready for the next part of your slave training! Now you will get your second portion of shit. You will see how the poop comes out directly from my butthole. My scar is so disgusting that Miss Madison has to leave the room briefly, but you have to stay with me and catch everything. Your job is to get horny for my disgusting shit! While I push out the last pieces of scat, you will lick my butthole as if it was a sweet treat. The moment of truth has now come for you toilet beginner! Will you manage to eat two giant piles of scat from Miss Madison and me? We encourage you to eat up all our filthy shit and cum at the same time.Clip language is German.Bei deinem 1. Mal als Klo, wirst du gleich von 2 Herrinnen angeschissen und vulgär erniedrigt!Deine Klo-Entjungferung steht bevor und du hast dafür gleich 2 Dominas gebucht, Miss Madison & mich. Da hast du dir aber ganz schön was vorgenommen… Während wir unseren Kaffee austrinken, erzählen wir dir was bevorsteht. Wir werden dir heute zu zweit in dein jungfräuliches Klomaul scheißen! Mach dich bereit für das erniedrigendste Erlebnis deines Lebens! Noch sind wir uns nicht sicher, ob du der wortwörtlich gigantischen Aufgabe gewachsen bist. Um dich etwas anzuregen, drehen wir dir unsere Ärsche ins Gesicht. Da kannst du doch nicht widerstehen! Miss Madison muss sich zuerst in deinem Maul erleichtern. Sie setzt sich mit ihren nackten Arschloch über deinen Mund und ich befehle dir weit aufzumachen! Unter unserer gemeinsamen verbalen Erniedrigung, lernst du unsere perfekter Scheißefresser zu werden! Als nächstes pisse ich dir in dein Klomaul. Das wird dir sicher helfen den Kaviar herunterzuspülen. Du hast die große Ehre anschließend meinen Po und mein Arschloch zu verehren. Während du unter mir kniest wirst du mein Poloch ausgiebig lecken und mich so auf meinen Stuhlgang vorbereiten. Miss Madison und ich geben dir außerdem eine Wichsanleitung, damit du dem nächsten Teil deiner Sklaven-Erziehung auch gewachsen bist! Dich erwartet nämlich noch eine zweite Portion Scheiße du Klosau! Du darfst dann endlich zusehen, wie die Kacke direkt aus meinem Arschloch herauskommt. Mein KV ist so ekelhaft, dass Miss Madison sogar kurz den Raum verlassen muss, doch du musst bei mir bleiben und alles auffangen. Deine Aufgabe ist es, dich an dieser ekelhaften und widerwärtigen Scheiße aufzugeilen du Drecksstück! Während ich die letzten KV-Stücke aus mir herausdrücke, wirst du an meinem Poloch lecken, als wäre es eine Leckerei. Die Stunde der Wahrheit ist jetzt für dich Kloanfänger gekommen. Wirst du es schaffen, die beiden Riesenhaufen von Miss Madison und mir zu fressen. Wir ermutigen dich noch einmal zu zweit, all unsere Exkremente aufzufressen und dabei abzuspritzen.
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Heatherfly - Dirty hotelroom weekend with scat, piss and vomit (Scat 2024) [FullHD 1080p] (1.05 GB)

Heatherfly - Dirty hotelroom weekend with scat, piss and vomit (Scat 2024) [FullHD 1080p] (1.05 GB)


We booked a luxury hotel to relax and, more importantly, play extremely dirty games all weekend. We brought extra bedsheets, plastic – we came prepared. We even got caught by one of the bellboys who accidentally walked into our room. Her ass was filled with lots of piss, and she pushed everything out. She pissed on herself, and tries to vomit all over. Some time later, a huge shit on her face and tits while being dressed in a hot and classy body. Smeared all over en fucked very very hard. It took a long time to clean everything, and we had to make sure the hotel wouldn’t be suspicious afterwards.
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ScatVivian - Vomit Torture (Scat 2024) [SD] (199 MB)

ScatVivian - Vomit Torture (Scat 2024) [SD] (199 MB)


Latifa is watching TV in her apartment' when somebody knocks on her door' is Cristina asking for information. Astute' Cristina gets to deceive her giving a chance to Sabrina Red invading the house with a gun. Therefore after' totally tied' Latifa doesn t react and Cristina with Sabrina Red seeks hopelessly for money and jewels to steal. For the assault not to be in vain and as Latifa doesn t want to cooperate' they decide give her their vomits.
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Anna Coprofield - Inside Dirty Schoolgirl's Filled Pussy Part 1 (Scat 2024) [FullHD 1080p] (1.50 GB)

Anna Coprofield - Inside Dirty Schoolgirl's Filled Pussy Part 1 (Scat 2024) [FullHD 1080p] (1.50 GB)


The best video quality is divided into 3 parts. Total video duration – 1h11min. This video was created by user request.I am dressed in a schoolgirl uniform and red stockings, show speculum and say "This dirty girl needs her insides to be dirty". I take off everything except stocking and sit down on the floor.I insert the speculum into my pussy, but I can't relax because my shit is trying to get out so I take out the speculum and shit a big pile. Then I wipe my asshole so no shit shows on me, show you my shit and then stuff it inside my pussy with the speculum in it, show all the shit inside me, wipe away any shit that is not in my speculum filled pussy and show insides. I pull the speculum out, collecting shit from speculum, wipe around my pussy with paper and wet towels so its only dirty inside. I insert the speculum again, show the cervix with shit and I repeat it all several times again.I show shit deep inside my speculum filled pussy again and clean the shit from around the pussy so only shit is inside me, do a close up of the speculum and shit filled pussy. I rub my clit and masturbate till I cum, pull the speculum out and show you my spoiled pussy.
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Gay - Twink and Shit / イケメンうんこ / MENG-002 (Scat 2024) [SD] (1.95 GB)

Gay - Twink and Shit / イケメンうんこ / MENG-002 (Scat 2024) [SD] (1.95 GB)


イケメンはうんこにまみれてもイケメンだった!カメラの前で脱糞を強要させられ、そのままなんとセックス。さらには、野外での露出プレイにまで…かなりマニアックな作品になっています。正真正銘ナマ糞尿!ノンケ18歳 龍之介、初AVにして糞まみれ!閉ざされた肛門のシワがイソギンチャクのように波を打ち始め、ゆっくり広がり始めた空洞から粘質な音ととも…に顔を出すイケメンが溜め込んだクソ!■自宅拝見&初男エッチイケメン・龍之介の自宅チェック!部活でチームメイトから襲われた話しが超リアル!
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Mikaela Wolf - Forbidden (Scat 2024) [SD] (375 MB)

Mikaela Wolf - Forbidden (Scat 2024) [SD] (375 MB)


Latifa and Nikki are the perfect couple but Rosana, Latifa's mother, doesn't think that of them. She arrives at home and sees them having sex, so she humiliates Nikki and beats on Latifa. She expels Nikki from the house and they go to sleep. Rosana wakes up late to go to work; Nikki was waiting her leaving to meet his forbidden love again.
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Aoi Yuuki - Limitless Shit (Scat 2024) [DVDRip] (450 MB)

Aoi Yuuki - Limitless Shit (Scat 2024) [DVDRip] (450 MB)


『ゲロ・リミットレス』に始まったプラチナTOHJIROレーベル1周年記念作品。「大食い女がどれだけウンコをするか!?」というAV史上初の検証作でもあるのだ。30㎝の特大ウンコをひり出すと笑顔で咀嚼、全身塗りたくり。イラマされるとクソの上に噴射ゲロ。そのクソゲロミックスを美味しそうに飲み、頭からかぶって爽やか笑顔。これで驚いてちゃ最後まで見れないぞ。10人前はあろうディナーを平らげると、妊婦みたいに膨らんだお腹をきつく縛られ、大量嘔吐と脱糞。まさに人間チューブ。そのクソだらけのボディに100発を超える鞭をもらいボロボロに。こんなに壊れたあおいは見たことない。「日常では絶対やらないことをする自分に萌える」という究極のナルシズム。二日目は大量の練りグソをひり出し、スカ3Pで完全にブッ飛んだ。最後は拘束された全身を分厚いいウンコで覆われた人間クソおはぎと化し、玩具責めにイキまくり。モラルも常識もクソくらえ。やりたいことしてどこが悪い。鬼才監督とド変態女優が観る者を信じられないハードスカの世界に引きずり込む! (うだがわ)
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