Let us introduce you to the exclusive collection of Extreme Scat.movie!!! This SCAT video is not available on other sites, as it is exclusive, and you can download it only from us!!!
Let us introduce you to the exclusive collection of Extreme Scat.movie!!! This SCAT video is not available on other sites, as it is exclusive, and you can download it only from us!!!
Delicious dessert from my favorite ass! In the process of feeding, I saw Christina’s ass in front of me, her dirty hole sweetly looking at me and straining. This is a super sexy sight. I quickly ate all the shit because I was damn excited!
Omg babe! You know how I’ve been wanting my girlfriend Molly to shit on me for some time now… well, I finally got up the courage to ask her… and she said yes! We didn’t exactly know when we would do it.. so we kinda let it go. Until, that is, all the family came over and overcrowded the house. We were in the backyard sunbathing, escaping the annoying adults inside.. when Molly realized she needed to take a shit.. there was no way to go inside that 1 tiny bathroom and stink up the whole place with all those judge mental family members around! Nope. she started thinking. then I popped the question, “will you shit on my feet now?” I was so nervous to ask! What if she were to say no? But alas! She smiled wide and said Yes! She dropped her shorts and turned her ass towards me. Excited, I gave her my foot and placed it below her spread pussy and asshole. So hot! I wait, anticipation building as the second roll by, then I feel the most delightful warm sensation on my leg streaming down my feet all the way to my toes! How how wonderful! Molly is Peeing on me! Omg it’s so warm and refreshing! I switch legs, ohhhh yessss this is the best! She soaks my feet and I splash a bit before seeing the tip of her shit start to crown in her asshole! Oh boy, what I’ve been craving for soooo long now. since I first met her. finally Molly is going to shit on my feet! Can you believe it?! Is this really happening? Oh boy, more is slowly being pushed out, oh what a delicious log that is! Uh oh, I tried to aim it to land on my foot but I missed! Damn, I really wanna feel how warm her shit is… Oh well, guess I have to step in it now! I lift my foot and excitedly squish my pink painted toes right in her fresh shit log! Yesss! Oh my god this is what I’ve been craving for months! YES! I squish and squish, then switch feet, then both are stomping and squishing all up in her piss and shit! Oh wow it smells soooo good! I wanna get a better sniff. I twist my leg and bring my foot up to my face and get a good whiff, yes her shit smells sooo good! I almost wanna taste it… I wonder what her shit would taste like? After play time, I get to clean up! Whohoo! I love being a shit slut with my bestie Molly!
You're holed up with me for the whole weekend, and you're right where you belong. under my throne as I sit upon it, as I push and let my shit ooze out my ass and fall into your waiting mouth! I tease you before planting my ass down and feeding you all you deserve to eat. and leave you there to chew, swallow and digest my shit, until I come back tomorrow. I return with another loaf in my oven. Along with some more taunts as well. you really MUST be hungry, your mouth is already open and I haven't even taken off my panties! It's really no wonder you're so famished, considering you're not good enough for people food. Your only meals are my shit! I fill you up again, and you're finishing off my loads and eating them up in record time! I'm impressed, you're really proving yourself to be a valuable toilet! I'll let you go for now, as I did promise to make a weekend out of you. but if you come back through my doors again, toilet, I'll keep you permanently
Have you ever seen a girl laugh when smeared shit on her face? No? Then be sure to watch this video .. positive, contagious laughter and great excitement at the sight of a pregnant girl, covered with shit of her friend!
I have a useless loser living in my house, and I think it is time for a little change! I tell him very clearly that I intend to use him as my human toilet! But he refuses, and even try to tell me that I am a girl, so what can I do? HA! I tie his hands on his back, and get my will.I place him on the floor, and promise him a nice handjob, a cumshot. But on one condition, his cumshot must be equal to my shit ending up in his mouth. As I tease him with my ass and pussy, he is getting closer to cum, and so am I.As he cums, my turds fall in his mouth, and it is some serious big ones! So time to to eat, and get ready for a new life as my personal dumpster!