Mistress - Eat my tasty shit, my happy toilet [FullHD 1080p] (609 MB)

Mistress - Eat my tasty shit, my happy toilet [FullHD 1080p] (609 MB)


Get on your knees behind me, pull the shit out of my ass with your hands and put it in your mouth. More, more pull the shit, eat my chocolates. Stuff your mouth so your cheeks swell like a hamster’s. Yeah, great, I haven’t shat that much in a while. Eat my shit my shit-eater, eat more, lick your fingers. You’re my favorite shit-eater, chew, eat. After all truth tasty I have shit. Smear shit all over your face, chest. Look at you, what a beauty you are now. Good slave girl, eat my shit, get used to eating shit, you’re my toilet bowl. A little sick but nothing, shove it back. I love it so much. I see how happy you are to eat my shit.
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Bread With Scat - Jaqueline, Manuela, Patricia Carter [FullHD 1080p] (1.82 GB)

Bread With Scat - Jaqueline, Manuela, Patricia Carter [FullHD 1080p] (1.82 GB)


Patricia and Manuela are starving, and Jaque is taking too long with their breakfast. When the slave arrives, she brings nothing but bread without any filling or accompaniment! Oh, the girls will punish her severely and make her eat bread with a delicious mix… Shit! First, they spit on the bread and in her mouth, making her chew all that filth. Shortly thereafter, they lay her on the table and begin to pee on top of her, causing her to swallow the jets of piss after gargling them. Finally, comes the incredible scene where Jaque chews the shit along with bread and a few spits, and rubs all that pasty and brown filth all over her body while the dommes enjoy her suffering. She almost throws up, but the dommes make her chew all the shit she can! Great breakfast!
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MilanaSmelly - We urgently need a new toilet slave [FullHD 1080p] (1.29 GB)

MilanaSmelly - We urgently need a new toilet slave [FullHD 1080p] (1.29 GB)


We urgently need a new toilet slave. Today the girls are very well prepared! Christina and Victoria turned out to be huge heaps. I could not find a toilet slave for this meeting and I had to lie under the girls myself. Recently, it has become increasingly difficult for me to swallow, and I also have a strong fear of meeting with girls, my adrenaline to the maximum. After the session, I feel raped. Kristina turns me on a lot, but even her shit is very difficult for me to swallow. In this video, I tried and kept to the last, I ate Christina’s shit almost completely, but I started to feel sick and not to vomit (girls don’t like when a slave vomits) I had to stop. Kristina sat down on the toilet, I see her sweet hole, she says – “I have endured for a long time and now I will feel bliss”, and a warm pile of liquid shit filled my mouth, I thought – damn it! I forgot to take the shoulder blades and we remembered them when Kristina had already slapped my mouth, it was funny. Christina ate baked potatoes in the oven, salad with cabbage, buckwheat
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Marcos579 - Poo Pee and Spit in Your Mouth [UltraHD 2K] (1.56 GB)

Marcos579 - Poo Pee and Spit in Your Mouth [UltraHD 2K] (1.56 GB)


My personal slave is lying on the bath, ready to serve me as a full toilet. As appetizer, I order him to lick my feet. Then it’s the turn of my pee. I piss in his mouth. As usual, it’s a little of pee and, being the first in the morning, it’s yellow and tasty. But now it’s time for the real treat: my delicious shit. Bigger thurds pile up on his open mouth. He starts chewing and swallowing but, today, I have a lot of shit. To stimulate him, I kick the shit in his mouth with my feet. I order him to open his mouth to spit there. His mouth is very dirty and he couldn’t swallow all the crap. My slave was very good today
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MilanaSmelly - Rapid swallowing of female shit without chewing [HD 720p] (1.81 GB)

MilanaSmelly - Rapid swallowing of female shit without chewing [HD 720p] (1.81 GB)


Rapid swallowing of female shit without chewing! I liked to swallow shit blindfolded – so I can deeply taste taste and suppress vomiting better! So for girls it is more comfortable when they do not see the eyes of a slave – do not perceive it as a person. This video clearly shows my throat – how I suffered when I swallowed Amina's shit and how hard she commanded the feeding process. I quickly swallowed 2 large and hard pieces of shit from Amina, but with great anguish. This time I swallowed almost without chewing – I become more comfortable female toilet. Before Amina, I was hard-pressed with fart Yana – she really had a lot of shit this time – when I swallowed a portion and thought it was the end, Ian filled my mouth again! Her shit looked ugly – but I did not see it when I swallowed. Christina started today! She energetically filled me with urine and bitter shit and prepared me for the next girl. Throat close-up – to see the process of swallowing. The girls said that now I swallow faster than before.
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MilanaSmelly - Karina poops after bathing in slave’s mouth [FullHD 1080p] (727 MB)

MilanaSmelly - Karina poops after bathing in slave’s mouth [FullHD 1080p] (727 MB)


Every time I look forward to this day. Several times a month Mistress Karina invites me to her apartment, as a slave who will provide her comfort and pleasure. I have to fulfill a variety of duties. Serving Mistress Karina as a toilet is one of my responsibilities during these meetings. This time Karina decided to take a bath, and I had to serve the girl during this procedure. And I got great pleasure from the fact that I could once again admire the beautiful young body of Mistress, her breasts, her ass. Mistress Karina is a very beautiful girl. I was in seventh heaven with happiness when Mistress allowed me to smell her panties, and then wash them while she takes a bath. The toilet slave has no right to touch Mistress’ body with his hands. But this time, a small exception was made for me. Mistress Karina allowed me to dry her body with a towel after she finished washing. Touching her body, albeit through a towel, is what I have long dreamed of. And my dream has finally come true. I figured that Karina would want to use the toilet later. However, she had a very hearty dinner the night before, and she really wanted to shit. Karina decided to use me as a toilet right in the bathroom. Without getting out of the bath, she positioned her anus in front of my mouth. A huge long turd filled my mouth, and then, like a snake, in a spiral, lay on my face. I havn’t tasted such good-tasting shit for a long time. It was especially pleasing that there was a lot of it. Karina left to relax on the sofa, and I stayed in the bathroom, eating the rest of her fragrant shit.
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MilanaSmelly - New Mistress, and Karina’s new record [FullHD 1080p] (1.09 GB)

MilanaSmelly - New Mistress, and Karina’s new record [FullHD 1080p] (1.09 GB)


I am the constant toilet slave of Mistress Karina. From time to time I have to give up all my business and go to her because of her desire to take a shit in the mouth of a man. She absolutely does not care that I can be busy with important things. I shouldn’t make her angry, and I should follow her whims. Karina loves a lot and delicious food, while remaining a slender girl. With all this, she almost always poops by massive amounts of shit. I really like Mistress Karina, I really like the taste and smell of her poop and I like that she gives out a lot of shit and feeds me to my fill. Karina likes to arrange surprises and sometimes invites her friendgirls to meetings. Some of them just want to look and try to shit in the mouth of a slave at least once. The other part of girls uses in the future my mouth more than once. Each time, a new girl makes me fear and anxiety. Will she like me? Will I be able to eat her shit? What if she turns out to be ugly and she makes me eat her shit? Today is no exception, and Karina invited her friend to a meeting in her country house. Her name is Alina. I sighed with relief, because Alina turned out to be a pretty enough girl. And I can eat shit from pretty girls with no problem. Unfortunately, this time I was not able to taste Alina’s poops. The girl was not psychologically ready for this. However, I had the opportunity to admire her slim figure, beautiful ass, her anus. I even sniffed her ass. However, I was not left without a “chocolate treat” this time. Mistress Karina gave a shit in my mouth both for herself and for Alina. Oh my God! How much shit she had given out! The first portion completely filled my mouth and formed a hill. The second portion was softer and smaller. The third portion (dessert) was in the form of several peas. This is a record! Never before Mistress Karina has given out shit so much. And I’ve never taken so many poops from one girl at a time.
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Kira, Althea - KIRA And ALTHEA - NICE TO MEET YOU! [HD 720p] (771 MB)

Kira, Althea - KIRA And ALTHEA - NICE TO MEET YOU! [HD 720p] (771 MB)


From the first polite handshake to full scat slut mode in less than 90 seconds - fasten your seatbelts for an epic encounter between young scat novice Althea and experienced slut coach Kira! After a breathtaking 45 minutes with never a dull moment pupil and teacher meet eye to eye - and the look in their eyes tells us that this is not the end of story yet...
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Mistress Emily - Mouth Filled Toilet [FullHD 1080p] (1021 MB)

Mistress Emily - Mouth Filled Toilet [FullHD 1080p] (1021 MB)


You’re a fucking pervert, hiring me and not even wanting sex with me – you want something so much tasty than pussy could ever give you. I tease you for your desire for not even wanting my ass, just what it give you. Stay down and open your mouth, and eat my giant firm SHIT… A proper toilet can take whatever I give it. But it looks like I don’t even have to demand, you’re gobbling up all my poop as soon as it leaves my ass afterall! I know all about your desires you fucking bitch! Lick my ass clen after the toilet
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MilanaSmelly - Married man toilet at the hen party [HD 720p] (1.37 GB)

MilanaSmelly - Married man toilet at the hen party [HD 720p] (1.37 GB)


Married man toilet at the hen party Meet. New girl – Lassie, 21 years old. This is really a married man! His wife does not know about his passion for serving as a toilet for a group of girls. This time he really suffered greatly, but he likes when girls rape him. It was Monday – morning, closer to dinner! Yesterday was the weekend and the girls rested and eat and drink alcohol. Many girls themselves were surprised how much they crap. Before serving Lassie, the slave asked for 2 minutes of rest! The girls allowed him to rest and continued. After this, the slave went home to his wife, who even does not know that 5 girls used him an hour ago!
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MistressAntonellaSilicone - Mistress Antonella gives her own supreme caviar [FullHD 1080p] (1.65 GB)

MistressAntonellaSilicone - Mistress Antonella gives her own supreme caviar [FullHD 1080p] (1.65 GB)


Mistress Antonella is with her dog slave for a training. She is amazing wearing a red trousers, transparent stiletto shoes, black latex bra and black latex jacket.She put a chain leash and orders him to go in the cage, her dog has a nice dog mask. She orders her dog to bark time to time when she decides, and also to smell her feet and black stiletto shoes.Then, she gets him out of cage, she gives to him to sniff poppers. After that, she walks him on leash and she orders him to raise the left paw then the right.Next, she plays with him with a small ball, she throws the ball and the dog brings it back. She teaches her to sit up and beg and to bark to show that he is happy and want to play with the ball.. She orders him to sniff her stiletto shoes. After that, she orders him to lie down on the floor, she ties his hands, she put nipples clamps with electricity and she writes with a permanent marker, on his body, that this dog is the property of Mistress Antonella.Finally, she put a pump on his dick in order draw up it and to suck up his dick with the pumpMistress Antonella gives some chocolate yoghurt to her slave.Then, she offers to him her own supreme caviar directly in his mouth, and she orders him to eat all
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Lola - Weekend Full Toilet Slave Day 2 of 3 Complete [FullHD 1080p] (1.83 GB)

Lola - Weekend Full Toilet Slave Day 2 of 3 Complete [FullHD 1080p] (1.83 GB)


Lola – Weekend Full Toilet Slave (Day 2 of 3) (Complete)1080 HD This clip is the second in the series, “Weekend Full Toilet Slave.” In this clip, the slave is used for both piss and shit. The piss is shown from two camera angles. Both Angles are shown consecutively, then in a stacked picture in picture window. The shit is shown from three camera angles: front, back and going into the slave from above. The three camera angles are also shown consecutively, then in a split screen window. The shit section of this clip includes some written narration.On day two, I decided to pee into a container before shitting into the slave. I had noticed on day one that it was having some difficulty swallowing all of it. I don’t like it when it my shit sticks to the teeth. It should ALL go down. So, I decided to pee into a container first and then later use the pee to wash everything into the toilet slave. I shit and again, just like the first day, it was a lot. The toilet kept the shit in its mouth. It waits until I’ve finished before it swallows. I scooped all the errant bits and coaxed it all into the belly of my septic system. The toilet had a bit of retching this time. It was a pretty big load, so I understood the difficulty, but did not let the toilet give up. Eventually, it all went down. I made it suck the shit off my fingers before allowing it the piss it so desperately wanted. It’s funny, I thought the piss would help the slave wash everything down, but interestingly it caused more retching. Of course, I didn’t stop pouring. He still had to finish it all. The toilet was very good, eventually got it all down, and did not back up. I was pleased. I wondered, though, maybe he was having difficulty with the pee because there just wasn’t enough of it. The toilet probably just needs MORE pee to help wash things down. I decided to give Kendall a call to see if she’d join me for day three… (25:29 long)
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MilanaSmelly - Very stinky shit from Christina and Karina [FullHD 1080p] (948 MB)

MilanaSmelly - Very stinky shit from Christina and Karina [FullHD 1080p] (948 MB)


Very stinky shit from Christina and Karina. I do not often meet with the Mistresses. Every meeting for me is like a holiday.I gladly serve the girls in the role of the toilet, but this time it was really very difficult for me. Mrs. Christina and Karina took turns shitting into my mouth, sitting on the bench. Christina prepared very well. Yesterday she ate pizza, macaroni, rolls, buckwheat and cake. When she started feeding me her crap, it was really very hard for me, and a couple of times I almost vomited. Shit was very smelly, but I had to overcome myself and eat every last bit of it.Karina was next. She ate fruits and vegetables. After the fruits shit is not very smelly, but it was solid. Therefore I had to chew it, and it caused me to feel nauseous. I chewed Karina’s crap for a very long time, but still coped. Serving the girls was difficult, but I really enjoyed the meeting with them. After all, there is nothing more pleasant than to eat the shit from a beautiful female ass.
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Mistress Antonella Silicone - Pooping on my slave's face [FullHD 1080p] (460 MB)

Mistress Antonella Silicone - Pooping on my slave's face [FullHD 1080p] (460 MB)


Sexy Goddess Antonella pooping a lot on her slave's face. Soooo hot! Goddess Antonella has her slave on his back and she has her own tight little asshole exposed in her crotchless bodysuit and ready to cover him in shit. She's been letting her scat build up, so she knows that he's in for a treat when she feels her hole open up and her stinking shit starts to slide out of her body and land all over his face with a splat.
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GoddessAndreea - Hotwife and kinky Faith dirty scat eating [FullHD 1080p] (1.28 GB)

GoddessAndreea - Hotwife and kinky Faith dirty scat eating [FullHD 1080p] (1.28 GB)


Mister Faith was called by his female lover to a hotel room to have fun again. They know that when they meet, dirty things happen. This time too they couldn’t help themselves and a beautiful clip came out. First the lady sucked his cock in several positions and was obliged to masturbate with his penis in her mouth and then Mr. Faith wanted to use her body as his personal human toilet and peed in her mouth. In the end she wanted to pee and shit in his mouth and he fucked her with her shit in his mouth. An extremely perverse.movie, not for those with heart problems.
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